House Crakehall Motto: House Crakehall is a vassal house that holds fealty to House Lannister of Casterly Rock. The Hornwood sigil is a black bull moose on an orange field. House Hornwood Motto: House Hornwood is a vassal house that holds fealty to House Stark of Winterfell. Their words do not appear in the books, but according to semi-canon sources are “No Foe May Pass”. House Allyrion Motto: Their blazon is a golden hand on gyronny red and black. The Westerling sigil is six white shells on a sand-colored background. House Westerling Motto: House Westerling is a vassal house that holds fealty to House Lannister of Casterly Rock. Its sigil is a blue bantam rooster on yellow. House Swyft Motto: House Swyft is a vassal house that holds fealty to House Lannister of Casterly Rock. Their words are “The Sun of Winter.” House Karstark is a vassal house that holds fealty to House Stark of Winterfell. House Karstark Motto: The Karstark sigil is a white sunburst on black. Their sigil is a black bear in a green wood and the motto is “Here We Stand”. House Mormont Motto: House Mormont of Bear Island is a vassal house that holds fealty to House Stark of Winterfell.

Ser Loras, a popular knight from the Tyrell family, is known as the “Knight of Flowers”. House Tyrell Motto: The Tyrell sigil is a golden rose on a grass-green field. The motto of House Tully is “Family, Duty, Honor”. House Tully Motto: Their sigil is a silver trout leaping over a field of blue and red. Their motto is “Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken”. House Martell Motto: Their sigil is a red sun pierced by a golden spear. While it's not as robust when it comes to the writing aspect, it's still quite nice overall.House Baratheon Motto: The House Baratheon’s motto is “Ours is the Fury.” Its sigil is a crowned black stag on a golden field.
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